Hear what the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches

Hear what the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches

06/30/23 – AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH… Is there a correlation between the 8 people on Noah’s Ark and the 7 Churches of Revelation?  What can we glean from the Revelation messages to the 7 Churches when viewed in light of Noah’s flood and the 8 people on the Ark?  You might be surprised at what the parallels and implications may be.  Prayerfully consider this message and these warnings from the book of Revelation to the 7 assemblies, both then and now!

Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

06/05/23 – A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!

King Charles III Coronation… 7 Year Covenant?

King Charles III Coronation… 7 Year Covenant?

05/14/23 – We look at King Charles multi-faith & VERY religious coronation which took place May 6, 2023 which this year is the biblical 2nd Passover! Was this the covenant with the many that Daniel was told about? Representatives from several different religions including Muslim, Sikh, Hindu & Jewish actually took part in the king’s coronation. Is king Charles only going to be allowed a pre-planned 7 year reign? He’s 73, will his reign end when he’s 80 (Psalms 90)? That will also be the year 2030… think Agenda 2030. Is Prince William already scheduled to take over in 2030 when he turns 40? We sure have A LOT of biblical numbers here! You decide. We are told to watch so that the day does not overtake us as a thief. Help us to sound the shofar by sharing this video and all of our others.

Anti-Messiah, Scapegoat, Vomit & Tribulation

Anti-Messiah, Scapegoat, Vomit & Tribulation

04/30/23 – Will the Anti-Messiah possibly be a religious figure that attempts to annihilate all of the scapegoats?  Who are the goats and who are the sheep?  Who will be vomited out of the land(s)? Who and how many will die during tribulation?  Lots of scripture in this message.

2nd Month, 2nd Passover, King Charles, the Green Man, Ecumenism

2nd Month, 2nd Passover, King Charles, the Green Man, Ecumenism

04/16/23 – Anti-Messiah, False Prophet or Precursor Prototype? King Charles III will be coronated as king on the biblical Second Passover in the second biblical month, May 6, 2023 which is also a Shabbat or 7th day Sabbath. Could his very ecumenical coronation be the confirmation or strengthening of a covenant ‘with the many’ for 7 years spoken of in Daniel 9? He will sit on the antique coronation throne over the Stone of Destiny which is believed to be the biblical Jacob’s pillow stone on which Jacob slept when having the vision of angels descending the ladder from heaven (Jacob’s Ladder). Some also believe this Stone of Destiny is also the pillar next to which all of the King’s of Israel where crowned by or on which sat at the entrance to the temple in Jerusalem and that the prophet Jeremiah took this stone from Egypt to Ireland after first temple destroyed.  Recorded facts in this video: King Charles wants an ecumenical coronation ceremony even though as monarch he is head of the Church of England and they are against it. Charles is pro-Muslim, studies the Quran, wears both Muslim head garb & Jewish Kippah, reads & agrees with new age / Hindu “Traditionalism” and other new age religion books, has a prominent “Green Man” on his coronation invitations and it is considered by some Jewish publications that he will be a “good King for the Jews”. Get the facts here & then watch for yourselves!

“Hidden” Passover Messages – Esther Fast

“Hidden” Passover Messages – Esther Fast

04/02/23 – 7th Day of Unleavened Bread in the book of Esther?  Should we do an Esther fast 3 days prior to the “7th Day” of the feast of Unleavened Bread this year (which would begin on the Feast of First Fruits this year) and then present our petition for the safety of our people before our King on the 7th Day of His Feast… Unleavened Bread?

Passover Review & Relation to Prophecy

Passover Review & Relation to Prophecy

03/28/23 – Updated Revelation Time Chart too!  Let’s get ready for Passover and review just some of these scriptures about this blessed feast! I’m excited for this Passover, how about you. Between the first Passover next week and the 2nd Passover a month later we should keep our eyes open for some interesting events to take place. Have your sandals on, your belts cinched and your staffs in your hands you never know what could happen in any given Passover season but this one certainly seems ripe for some kind of scriptural events to take place! Whether you’ve not celebrated Passover in a biblical sense before or your an old hand we pray this message helps prepare your heart.

Revelation Churches Pt 3

Revelation Churches Pt 3

03/21/23 – Philadelphia & Smyrna. This week we take a more in depth look at the message to the church or assembly of Philadelphia in Revelation 3 regarding the Greek word Philadelphia which is translated elsewhere in the New Testament as brotherly love. Does the study of the church of Philadelphia present a picture of what was lacking in the church of Ephesus? When we take a look at all the passages in the New Testament where the Greek word Philadelphia appears can we get a clearer picture of the ultimate goal of believers in Y’shua Messiah as well as the steps that should be taken on our journey from faith in our first love to agape love. What does it take to be counted worthy to be kept from or escape from (as part of the church or assembly of Philadelphia) the time of great testing that may be about to come upon the whole earth? Then how does the church of Smyrna compare to the Church of Philadelphia. The Revelation messages to the churches were received by John for 7 churches or assemblies existing in the first century CE but are also prophetic messages or warnings for the assemblies of believers in the end of days just before the return of Y’shua Messiah. Warnings that need to be heeded as we enter the judgements of Revelation leading to His Millennial Kingdom.

Revelation Churches Pt 2

Revelation Churches Pt 2

03/12/23 – Ephesus & Philadelphia. This week we take a more in depth look at the message to the church or assembly of Ephesus in Revelation 2 regarding falling away from our first love and being warned to repent and return to the first works. The Revelation messages to the churches were received by John for 7 churches or assemblies existing in the first century CE but are also prophetic messages or warnings for the assemblies of believers in the end of days just before the return of Y’shua Messiah. Warnings that need to be heeded as we enter the judgements of Revelation leading to His Millennial Kingdom. 

Revelation Churches, Antakya Turkey, Earthquake Canyon

Revelation Churches, Antakya Turkey, Earthquake Canyon

03/05/23 – Olive Tree Grove Splits in Two Near Biblical Antioch! Voices, Reports, Wars & Rumors of Wars, Lightnings, Thunders and an Earthquake! The Antakya, Turkey earthquakes the night of Feb 6th, or Tu B’Shvat on biblical calendar, split a huge olive grove in 2 with a canyon about 130 ft or 13 stories deep and a football field’s length wide! It’s absolutely amazing to see but first do you know the history of Antakya? It was founded about 300bc and is… drum roll, the new testament city of Antioch where the disciples were first called “Christians” or Messianics!  Then we start at the beginning of Revelation and begin a fresh look at the messages John received for the 7 churches.

Earthquake, Thunders, Lightings, & Voices

Earthquake, Thunders, Lightings, & Voices

02/15/23 – Opening the 7th Seal of Revelation.  Four signs found elsewhere in scripture and interpreted according to the Old Testament Prophets.  Are we seeing signs that may indicate that the 7th Seal of the Scroll of Revelation has been opened and the First Trump of Revelation may be ready to sound this fall 2023?  Does Isaiah 29 speak of the Scroll of Revelation not being sealed up and unable to be read by Jews or anyone without Y’shua Messiah? Does it also tell us the Scroll of Revelation is also not able to be read by Christians even if they have Y’shua as Messiah unless they get ‘literate’ in Torah?  Does Revelation 8:5 as understood according to the OT prophets allude to drug sorceries and vaccines at or near the opening of the 7th Seal?  We look at all of this and more in this message!

3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees

3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees

02/06/23 – 1 Resurrected Bride & 1 Kingdom of Israel.  Thoughts on scripture, salvation, and who we are in Y’shua Messiah.  Why would anyone want to convert to be part of the dead bride.  Torah can not save without what Y’shua did on the cross or tree!  Torah only instructs and then condemns.  It is VERY VALUABLE as a teacher of how to live in our Abba’s Kingdom or House but even if you think you can keep Torah perfectly, it will not save you without Y’shua’s death on the cross and resurrection, period.  Those that deny Y’shua is YHWH come in the Flesh are deceived by the spirit of Anti-Messiah.  His invitation to eternal life is open to ‘whosoever’.

It’s a Jubilee!

It’s a Jubilee!

01/14/23 – Yom Kippur 22 to Yom Kippur 23? If this year is the Jubilee year, we look at the freeing implications of the “acceptable year of YHWH” that Y’shua spoke of in Luke 4 when He was quoting Isaiah 61.  We will connect the dots in scripture regarding the year of Jubilee, the 50th year!  The year to proclaim liberty!  You might be surprised how this Greek word for liberty is translated elsewhere in the New Testament. 

The Embalmed Corpse of Israel

The Embalmed Corpse of Israel

01/07/23 – Joseph Nations Delivered Israel’s Body Back to the Land… A surprising look at the last two Torah Portions, Vayigash & Vayechi.  Are the Ezekiel prophesied dry bones of Israel with sinew and flesh on them actually the embalmed body of Israel which the Joseph nations delivered back to the land of Israel in 1949?  Did the ancient nation of Israel die with Y’shua and become embalmed 2000 years ago?  Israel the man… 7 Years of Plenty followed by 7 Years of Famine followed by the death and 40 day embalming of Joseph’s father Israel, followed by 70 days of mourning in all Egypt and then 7 more days of mourning by Joseph after he delivers Israels embalmed body back to Canaan.  Has the nation of Israel been following after the pattern of Israel the man for the last 2000 years since the ancient nation of Israel died with Y’shua and went through a 40 year embalming process?  Are we possibly entering the last 7 years of Joseph’s mourning for his father after delivering him back to the land?  We will follow the scriptural patterns in today’s program and see where they lead us.

Hanukkah, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego

Hanukkah, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego

12/23/22 – The Enemy’s Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a Hebrew word meaning dedication.  Today we will first discuss “coming out” or UN-Assimilating and what we’ve all gone through to get where we are today and how we need to help each other stay strong and not RE-Assimilate.  We also look at “Merry Christmas” and some response ideas that may better glorify our Savior and King than “Happy Hanukkah”.  Most people in the grocery checkout line are clueless as to what Hanukkah is other than a Jewish holiday and the Jewish religion rejects the only begotten Son, YHWH’s Word having come in the Flesh.  Do we really want to appear to reject the birth of our Savior when there isn’t even time to explain to this person what Hanukkah is all about or that December 25 isn’t Jesus birthday and that Jesus isn’t our Savior’s Name anyway?  Can we really explain all that in 5 minutes or will we simply leave them believing we too (along with most of the world) have rejected our Savior?  Then after a beautiful song by Marty Goetz will read a few scriptures on Hanukkah or dedication including a fresh look at Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego.

Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua

Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua

12/14/22 – Crossing Over the Jordan… Then and Now!  Breaking News in Relation to Scripture & Possible End of This Age Scenarios!  King Abdullah of Jordan just announced a 300 million dollar improvement project for the site of Y’shua’s Baptism on the East side of the Jordan River!  In addition to this site being where Y’shua was Baptized it is also very likely the exact site where Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land as well as the exact site where Elisha followed Elijah out of the Land before he was taken up into the clouds after which Elisha crossed back into the Land at this same location!  What significance may this news and this site have for us today and in the very near future?  We take a look at prophetic pictures in scripture that may answer this question and more in today’s program.

Sheep, Goats, (or Cattle) in Scripture

Sheep, Goats, (or Cattle) in Scripture

Which One are We? 12/02/22 – (Originally posted 06/13/2021 (after thousands of views entire YT Channel taken down for “content violations” now re-posted on BitChute).   A followup to our video “2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left” https://www.hiswordheals.com/2-goats-2-brothers-2-brides-1-taken-1-left/ . What are the scriptural & real world differences between Sheep & Goats? Did you know the Passover Lamb could be a Passover Goat? Who did Y’shua Jesus come to save? Are we all goats before we become sheep? A look as scripture you may not have considered before. Line upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, Here a Little, There a Little.  When taken all together we can understand prophecy much more clearly.  We have had some strikes on YouTube so you never know whether we will be there or on a free speech platform if YouTube bans us for telling the truth.  Please share us with your friends on social media. Help us to blow the shofar!

2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left

2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left

12/02/22 – Wheels Within Wheels, Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept (Originally posted 5/31/21 after thousands of views entire YT Channel taken down for “content violations” now re-posted on BitChute) Now available here as audio only.  Starting in Genesis we will look at the 2 Yom Kippur Goat theme all throughout scripture even into Revelation!  One Goat to YHWH & One Goat to Azazel.  One is Taken and One is Left.  We compare Goats to Brides and Brothers – Line upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, Here a Little, There a Little.  When taken all together we can understand prophecy much more clearly.



11/19/22 – In this week’s message we are going to talk about “running” to do the will of our Creator, our Abba.  The last few weeks we’ve been talking about LISTENING to the still small voice of His Ruach or Spirit.  This week we are going to explore RUNNING.  Do we drop everything and RUN like Abraham did to meet with YHWH or to do His will once we hear from Him, as soon as we hear from Him?  We will look at several examples in scripture of ‘running’ toward YHWH or running to do His will as opposed to procrastinating when we hear His voice.  How might an attitude of running or procrastinating effect our physical and eternal salvations.  Is it possible that the difference between the Revelation Church of Philadelphia as opposed to the church of Smyrna may have something to do with how quickly they respond to the leading of His Ruach, how quickly we respond to the calling of Y’shua upon our lives?  Hopefully this message will inspire us all to LISTEN even more intently and then to RUN when He calls us.