Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua

Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua

12/14/22 – Crossing Over the Jordan… Then and Now!  Breaking News in Relation to Scripture & Possible End of This Age Scenarios!  King Abdullah of Jordan just announced a 300 million dollar improvement project for the site of Y’shua’s Baptism on the East side of the Jordan River!  In addition to this site being where Y’shua was Baptized it is also very likely the exact site where Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land as well as the exact site where Elisha followed Elijah out of the Land before he was taken up into the clouds after which Elisha crossed back into the Land at this same location!  What significance may this news and this site have for us today and in the very near future?  We take a look at prophetic pictures in scripture that may answer this question and more in today’s program.

      Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua & Crossing the Jordan - His Word Heals!

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