09/07/24 – “I come in My Father’s Name, and you do not Receive Me”. Today’s message is our second message entitled “Emmanuel, the Light of the World”… with this portion being subtitled, “I come in My Father’s Name & you do not receive Me”. Of course we know the end of that verse says “…if another comes in his own name, him you will receive”. This passage is John 5:43. Why is there a trend even recognized among Jewish Anti-Missionaries of “Hebrew Roots” believers in Y’shua as Messiah LEAVING faith in Y’shua to embrace Noahidism or completely convert to the religion of Judaism? What are some of the dangers of believers in Y’shua Messiah being silent regarding their faith in Y’shua in an attempt have a relationship with Orthodox Jews without offending them by talking about the true Jewish Messiah? Will this silence on our part deceive both Jews and (once)-Christians or (once)-Hebrew Roots believers into embracing the end-times false Messiah who will ‘come in his own name’ to deceive the whole world? We will explore all of this and more straight from Orthodox Jewish websites.
Emmanuel, The Light of the World &
08/17/24 -The 3rd Temple, House of Prayer for All… Religions. This is the first of two messages where we will be taking a contrasting look at the difference between the modern Secular Nation State of Israel and the coming Biblical Kingdom of Israel. Today is an introduction of sorts in that we will be discussing how some “Christians” including some Hebrew Roots/Messianic believers in Y’shua as Messiah are almost worshiping the modern State of Israel and the Jewish people who currently live there as prophetic Messianic figures. I’m going to play a short clip for you from a November 2023 interview and then we will also be looking at a document from templemount.org which reveals some surprising information about plans to use the Dome of the Rock for the altar portion of the 3rd temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This 3rd temple utilizing the Dome of the Rock as an altar to connect together 4 individual temples, one for each of the four monotheistic religions creating what the proponents call the prophesied “House of Prayer for All Nations”. However in reality it will be an ecumenical ‘house of prayer for all religions’ on the Temple Mount.
Dead Sea Scrolls, Solar Calendar, Gezer Tablet, Essenes, Trump Calendar
01/28/24 – Gezer calendar tablet found 20 miles NW of Jerusalem that pre-dates both the DSS calendar scroll AND the Babylonian Captivity? We also look at the Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran Zadokite Calendar which is almost IDENTICAL to the proposed Hanke-Henry replacement WORLD CALENDAR they have proposed calling the “Trump calendar” complete with a “Trump Week”… they also propose doing away with time zones and international date lines. Connecting a lot of dots INCLUDING New Age “Christian” Channeler Edgar Cayce & Theosophy founder Madame Helen Blavatsky beliefs regarding the Essenes & Jesus!
Dead Sea Scrolls, Zadokite Calendar & Samaritans
01/08/24 – Who were/are Samaritans? Could some of them have been SOME the self proclaimed “Sons of Zadok” who lived in Qumran and/or wrote SOME of the Dead Sea Scrolls including the so-called ‘Zadokite Calendar’? In this message we will introduce you to the Samaritans and show you from scripture as well as the writings of Josephus as a second witness and scholarly writings with regard to the Dead Sea scrolls as a third witness that SOME of these ‘sons of Zadok’ MAY WELL BE an offshoot of the Samaritan APOSTATE Zadok priesthood. Did you know the Zadok priesthood was split after the Babylonian captivity and the brother of the actual Jerusalem Zadokite high priest went to Samaria to be the Samaritan high priest making sacrifices in the temple on Mt Gerizim? If not, listen in and we’ll give historic and biblical proof. We’ll explain how and why we believe the descendants of this apostate Zadok priest and his priestly followers MAY very well be the ancestors of SOME of the self proclaimed ‘Sons of Zadok’ with regard to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran and the solar calendar. Since we already opened that pandora’s (calendar) box… here’s our next installment. (Message has been split into 4 parts for Hebrew Nation Radio). We felt in necessary to provide lots of Scriptural, historic, and scholarly proof for what we are presenting here because you will not be able to find this information in anyone else’s teachings on this subject (that we’ve seen anyway). Please listen all the way to the end as there are many puzzle pieces contained throughout. When they are all put together, THEN you will be able to see a much clearer picture of where this calendar MAY have came from.
Calendar, Which One? Zadokite, Enochian, Sighted Moon, Hillel?
12/23/23 – We have purposely avoided doing any programs regarding calendars… until now. We believe Abba has been nudging us toward taking on this subject for the past many weeks in various not to subtle ways. The subject specifically of the “Zadokite” calendar has kept coming up, over and over from different people in a variety of ways. The last straw which convinced us to do a more in depth study to see if perhaps we were wrong with regard to this subject was a recent series of videos by a well known main stream Hebraic Roots teacher. These videos proposed that this “Zadokite” calendar is the correct calendar to follow. In today’s message we will be sharing what we found during our more in depth study and will be heavy on scriptural evidence and very light on opinion and conjecture. Toward the end of this program we will also share our thoughts (based upon scripture) regarding the possible dangers of incorrect calendars.
11/25/23 – Originally posted 05/11/2022 but perhaps more relevant now than ever! Can it happen anytime now? Not what most people think or have been taught… Gog is likely another name for the Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) and his cohorts. He is from the tribe of Reuben and is also the Daniel 11 King of the North as he will enter Israel coming down from the far north (northern Europe). Ezekiel 38 and 39 are 2 separate Gog battles… Ezekiel 38 is the mid-tribulation invasion by Gog/Anti-Messiah to set up himself as king and the abomination desolation followed by a great earthquake and the splitting of the Mount of Olives allowing those in Judea to flee/escape to/through the valley of the mountains created by this split. Ezekiel 39 is the Gog battle known as Armageddon at the end of the 7 year tribulation after the witnesses are resurrected and ascend into heaven. YHWH makes a great feast of dead kings, mighty men and horses on the mountains of Israel to feed the birds and the beasts (also seen in Revelation 19). Then there is a 7 month burying of bodies and 7 year burning of weapons that takes place into the beginning of Y’shua’s (Jesus’) 1000 year Millennial Kingdom on earth. Then there is a 3rd Gog battle at the end of the Millennial Kingdom which is briefly mentioned in Revelation.
King Charles III Coronation… 7 Year Covenant?
05/14/23 – We look at King Charles multi-faith & VERY religious coronation which took place May 6, 2023 which this year is the biblical 2nd Passover! Was this the covenant with the many that Daniel was told about? Representatives from several different religions including Muslim, Sikh, Hindu & Jewish actually took part in the king’s coronation. Is king Charles only going to be allowed a pre-planned 7 year reign? He’s 73, will his reign end when he’s 80 (Psalms 90)? That will also be the year 2030… think Agenda 2030. Is Prince William already scheduled to take over in 2030 when he turns 40? We sure have A LOT of biblical numbers here! You decide. We are told to watch so that the day does not overtake us as a thief. Help us to sound the shofar by sharing this video and all of our others.
Anti-Messiah, Scapegoat, Vomit & Tribulation
04/30/23 – Will the Anti-Messiah possibly be a religious figure that attempts to annihilate all of the scapegoats? Who are the goats and who are the sheep? Who will be vomited out of the land(s)? Who and how many will die during tribulation? Lots of scripture in this message.
2nd Month, 2nd Passover, King Charles, the Green Man, Ecumenism
04/16/23 – Anti-Messiah, False Prophet or Precursor Prototype? King Charles III will be coronated as king on the biblical Second Passover in the second biblical month, May 6, 2023 which is also a Shabbat or 7th day Sabbath. Could his very ecumenical coronation be the confirmation or strengthening of a covenant ‘with the many’ for 7 years spoken of in Daniel 9? He will sit on the antique coronation throne over the Stone of Destiny which is believed to be the biblical Jacob’s pillow stone on which Jacob slept when having the vision of angels descending the ladder from heaven (Jacob’s Ladder). Some also believe this Stone of Destiny is also the pillar next to which all of the King’s of Israel where crowned by or on which sat at the entrance to the temple in Jerusalem and that the prophet Jeremiah took this stone from Egypt to Ireland after first temple destroyed. Recorded facts in this video: King Charles wants an ecumenical coronation ceremony even though as monarch he is head of the Church of England and they are against it. Charles is pro-Muslim, studies the Quran, wears both Muslim head garb & Jewish Kippah, reads & agrees with new age / Hindu “Traditionalism” and other new age religion books, has a prominent “Green Man” on his coronation invitations and it is considered by some Jewish publications that he will be a “good King for the Jews”. Get the facts here & then watch for yourselves!
Revelation Time Line Update
08/17/22 – Followed by brief Elul intro. Are we seeing some of the things we expected to see according to our Revelation Time Chart that was put together in Feb 2019? What are we still looking for between now and Passover of 2023? Then what? Then an intro to the month of Elul which will be continued next week. Blessings to you all and thank you for watching!
05/11/22 – Not what most people think or have been taught… Gog is likely another name for the Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) and his cohorts. He is from the tribe of Reuben and is also the Daniel 11 King of the North as he will enter Israel coming down from the far north (northern Europe). Ezekiel 38 and 39 are 2 separate Gog battles… Ezekiel 38 is the mid-tribulation invasion by Gog/Anti-Messiah to set up himself as king and the abomination desolation followed by a great earthquake and the splitting of the Mount of Olives allowing those in Judea to flee/escape to/through the valley of the mountains created by this split. Ezekiel 39 is the Gog battle known as Armageddon at the end of the 7 year tribulation after the witnesses are resurrected and ascend into heaven. YHWH makes a great feast of dead kings, mighty men and horses on the mountains of Israel to feed the birds and the beasts (also seen in Revelation 19). Then there is a 7 month burying of bodies and 7 year burning of weapons that takes place into the beginning of Y’shua’s (Jesus’) 1000 year Millennial Kingdom on earth. Then there is a 3rd Gog battle at the end of the Millennial Kingdom which is briefly mentioned in Revelation.