12/05/24 – Water…is it Living or Unstable? Or Both? All throughout scripture YHWH’s Word & Y’shua are compared to ‘Living Water’. All Israel after coming out of Egypt (i.e. bondage in the world) starts out in the desert heading someplace. They are not just standing still. They are moving along following YHWH’s Word when they were heading in the right direction but going around in circles once they disobeyed and quit trusting YHWH’s Word. In any case the ultimate destination was YHWH’s Kingdom in the Promised Land. They were supposed to be MOVING forward toward that destination but would only arrive if they were following YHWH’s instructions or His Living/Moving Word like a flowing stream they were heading somewhere, to a land flowing with milk and honey, a promised place of rest. All of this regarding YHWH’s Word, Y’shua and Living Water probably makes really good sense scripturally and is metaphorically straightforward right? Now I will throw you are curve ball…
Emmanuel, The Light of the World…
09/07/24 – “I come in My Father’s Name, and you do not Receive Me”. Today’s message is our second message entitled “Emmanuel, the Light of the World”… with this portion being subtitled, “I come in My Father’s Name & you do not receive Me”. Of course we know the end of that verse says “…if another comes in his own name, him you will receive”. This passage is John 5:43. Why is there a trend even recognized among Jewish Anti-Missionaries of “Hebrew Roots” believers in Y’shua as Messiah LEAVING faith in Y’shua to embrace Noahidism or completely convert to the religion of Judaism? What are some of the dangers of believers in Y’shua Messiah being silent regarding their faith in Y’shua in an attempt have a relationship with Orthodox Jews without offending them by talking about the true Jewish Messiah? Will this silence on our part deceive both Jews and (once)-Christians or (once)-Hebrew Roots believers into embracing the end-times false Messiah who will ‘come in his own name’ to deceive the whole world? We will explore all of this and more straight from Orthodox Jewish websites.
04/06/24 -The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb? How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000? Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be? What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing? You might be surprised!
Revelation Churches, Antakya Turkey, Earthquake
03/05/23 – Olive Tree Grove Splits in Two Near Biblical Antioch! Voices, Reports, Wars & Rumors of Wars, Lightnings, Thunders and an Earthquake! The Antakya, Turkey earthquakes the night of Feb 6th, or Tu B’Shvat on biblical calendar, split a huge olive grove in 2 with a canyon about 130 ft or 13 stories deep and a football field’s length wide! It’s absolutely amazing to see but first do you know the history of Antakya? It was founded about 300bc and is… drum roll, the new testament city of Antioch where the disciples were first called “Christians” or Messianics! Then we start at the beginning of Revelation and begin a fresh look at the messages John received for the 7 churches.
Women in the Garden
7/11/22 originally from 2019 – Two Kingdoms to Choose From – Video Re-uploaded to Bitchute after entire Lamb Network YouTube channel and thousands of views were taken down by YouTube censorship of free speech for “violations”. In this video we are taking a closer look at scripture to see what it really says about women in YHWH’s (The LORD’s) Kingdom & Y’shua’s (Jesus’) Ministry. This a beautiful look at how our Messiah and Redeemer made sure not to diminish or trivialize a woman’s contribution to His Kingdom. In this video we seek to biblically answer the following questions: Is it biblical for women to be silent in the Church or the Assembly as Paul suggests in 1 Corinthians 14 except perhaps in teaching Sunday school to children or singing in the choir as many believe? Or at the other end of the spectrum should a woman be head of an entire church or assembly as head pastor or priestess? Or does the biblical guideline for women fall somewhere in the middle?
Noahide 1, Gentiles & Jews
Why would Noahide Laws even be discussed in the US Congress let alone be passes as an education initiative? Reposted 5/28/22 – (Originally posted in 2019 but was deleted along with the entire Lamb Network YouTube channel for “content violations”. Hasn’t happened yet but is this message even more eminent now than it was when first posted?) Could the NOAHIDE LAWS, EZEKIEL 11 & 21, DEAL OF THE CENTURY & JORDAN’S KING ABDULLAH all be linked together in Ezekiel relating the Ezekiel prophecies to the time we are living in and things that could take place in the coming year or even months? Time will tell. This programs starts out by taking an honest look at the Noahide Laws doctrine as explained and discussed from Jewish & Noahide websites themselves, not from their opponent’s point of view. Just what do advocates of the Noahide Laws say about them, how they should be enforced, and who they apply to? Is it okay for anyone other than the Jews to keep the Sabbath? Do Christians who follow the Noahide Laws still proclaim Jesus or Y’shua as Messiah, Healer, King and only method to salvation or a place in the world to come? The answers I found may surprise you. Then toward the end (at about 41 minutes) we look at Ezekiel 11 which could be alluding to the Noahide Doctrine which I believe seeks to separate believers in Y’shua from YHWH and His promises. Then Ezekiel 21 could be alluding to a soon coming conflict involving Israel, the US and… Jordan (not just Iran, though Iran could be in there as well no doubt).
Noahide 2, Gentiles & Jews
Is there a difference in Messiah? If we aren’t Jews should we be Noahides?
Reposted 05/28/22 – (Originally posted a couple years ago on our videos page but was deleted after thousands of views from YouTube along with the entire Lamb Network YT Channel for “content violations”.) Taking a look at what Dr. Ken Johnson taught about the Noahide Doctrine at the Prophecy Watchers conference this past spring. (Video that snippets used in this program came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MsIv… We compare what he says with what the Word says… listen in and you decide. Unfortunately the Noahide laws are running rampant in both mainstream Christianity and can also be found within the Hebrew Roots community. This is our second program regarding the Noahide laws. The first one can also be found on our videos page. The first one looks at what the Noahides themselves have to say about what they believe and this one looks at what mainstream Christianity is teaching about it. It seems to be a method for mainstream teachers and pastors to justify eating pork and not honoring the Sabbaths and Feasts but could also be a part of a great end times deception and falling away from Y’shua our Messiah, YHWH’s Salvation.
Hezekiah’s 2nd Passover & Warnings of 7
ORIGINALLY CREATED & POSTED April 6, 2020 -UPDATE!!! ADDED NOTES 05/07/2022 – NOTE!! THERE IS A BLOOD MOON ON THIS 14-15TH OF IYAR (HILLEL CALENDAR) OR THE EVENING OF THE SECOND PASSOVER!!! WHICH IS THE NIGHT OF MAY 15TH, 2022 OVER ALL OF N & S AMERICA AND MOST OF WESTERN EUROPE AND AFRICA!! THE TOTAL ECLIPSE STARTS AT APPROX 9:30PM MOUNTAIN DAYLIGHT TIME IN THE US. Perhaps even more relevant and plausible now than it was just TWO YEARS AGO (this original version was produced 2 years ago and the shortened version was 1 year ago. This message gets more relevant every year!)