01/04/25 – Is America the actual end times promised land of Israel. Is America Israel’s promised inheritance? We recently received an email which stated that it was and that the Land in the Middle East with the name Israel was an abominable land that now belongs to Esau. We were given scriptures in support of this theory or doctrine. That is what we are going to look at today… Is America the spiritual promised land of end times Israel or is it perhaps instead the spiritual daughter of Egypt? A place of safety and provision at the ends of the earth before the ultimate regathering of the WHOLE Nation of Isreal, YHWH’s remnant faithful at the end of days just before the Millennial Kingdom? Will Y’shua rule the earth in the righteousness of YHWH’s Word from America as suggested in the email we received or from a completely cleansed and restored Promised Land of Israel in the Middle East where our fathers and the prophets walked? What does scripture actually say. Listen in to parts 1 and 2 of this message which are filled with tons of scriptural evidence for our findings.