Alef & Tav Solar Eclipses, Daniel’s 2300 Days

Alef & Tav Solar Eclipses, Daniel’s 2300 Days

Alef & Tav, the Beginning & End, the First & Last – Total Solar Eclipses in relation to Messiah 2030 & Daniel’s 2300 Days. Reposted 10/11/2023 originally posted 06/05/23 – A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!


Trump Covid-19 Warp Speed Vaccine 11/13/20 Press Conference

Trump Covid-19 Warp Speed Vaccine 11/13/20 Press Conference

08/18/2022 – (Reposted from 11/16/2020 after being deleted by YouTube along with the entire Lamb Network YouTube Channel for “content violations”) – Is it all a Psyop? Does it Really Matter Who Wins the Election? Is this whole thing pre-planned? We must look beyond the surface pep talk & talking points, put on our critical thinking caps & listen to what these folks are actually saying!

Down the Rabbit Hole…Everything is Tied Together!

Down the Rabbit Hole…Everything is Tied Together!

 Human Genome Project, Covid 19 Test, NIH, Super Computers, Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine, A.I. & More! July 19, 2020 – Everything is connected. Listen to what they are telling you & look at the online clues from official government websites. Seriously pray for wisdom before deciding to submit to testing or the forthcoming vaccination. Wisdom, protection & healing are found only in His Word!