Yom Teruah Announces Yom Kippur

Yom Teruah Announces Yom Kippur

10/10/24 (originally posted 09/24/22) – A Closer Look at Both Days. What are we instructed to do in His Word?  How do these two days relate to one another and to our eternity?  These days are upon us and understanding and honoring these days may be more important now than ever to us, our families, and those around us that we should be proclaiming Y’shua’s Atonement to!

Emmanuel, The Light of the World…

Emmanuel, The Light of the World…

09/07/24 – “I come in My Father’s Name, and you do not Receive Me”.  Today’s message is our second message entitled “Emmanuel, the Light of the World”… with this portion being subtitled, “I come in My Father’s Name & you do not receive Me”.  Of course we know the end of that verse says “…if another comes in his own name, him you will receive”.  This passage is John 5:43.  Why is there a trend even recognized among Jewish Anti-Missionaries of “Hebrew Roots” believers in Y’shua as Messiah LEAVING faith in Y’shua to embrace Noahidism or completely convert to the religion of Judaism?  What are some of the dangers of believers in Y’shua Messiah being silent regarding their faith in Y’shua in an attempt have a relationship with Orthodox Jews without offending them by talking about the true Jewish Messiah?  Will this silence on our part deceive both Jews and (once)-Christians or (once)-Hebrew Roots believers into embracing the end-times false Messiah who will ‘come in his own name’ to deceive the whole world?  We will explore all of this and more straight from Orthodox Jewish websites.

Like a Thief in the Night

Like a Thief in the Night

04/29/24 – But you are not asleep… so then who is?  What nation or entity is sleeping?  Are those that are asleep listening to false prophets that are declaring peace and safety?  Is sudden destruction going to come upon the scoffers who are ignoring or dismissing the many ‘signs in the heavens’?  Are many of us currently abiding in that nation or entity that is about to be broken into?  Lots of scriptural evidence for our thoughts on who or what entity represents those that are asleep and why we should be watching for the THIEF IN THE NIGHT at all times but possibly sooner than later. 

Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Atonement & Revelation

Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Atonement & Revelation

10/06/23 – Look at ALL THE CONNECTIONS! (NOW INCLUDES 10/11/23 HNR Version Pt2 with ALEF TAV ECLIPSE & WAR COMMENTARY as well) Can we know what the Song of the Lamb is?  Have the Jews been reading (i.e. singing) this song along with the Song of Moses for millennia without even recognizing Y’shua as the Lamb?  Is the Song of the Lamb the same as the ‘new song’ that will be sung by the 144,000?  Can we see the book of Revelation & Yom Kippur in the Song of Moses?  How about in the Song of the Lamb?  Can we find the ‘new song’ or at least variations of it in the Psalms?  In this message we will discuss all of this and more!

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2 2023

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2 2023

08/20/23 a reminder from 09/02/22 – Joel’s Fast, Daniel’s Prayer & Jeremiah’s Warning. The sixth month we are now in is also known as the month of Elul. The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the “40 Days of Repentance”.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  A look at Joel’s end time call to fasting and repentance, Daniel’s prayer of repentance and Jeremiah’s warning in part 2.

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt1 2023

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt1 2023

08/17/23 reminder from 08/26/22 – Is this Tradition Supported by Scripture?  A look at the sixth biblical or Hebrew month in scripture.  The sixth month is also known as the month of Elul. We are now entering this sixth month starting the evening of August 27th.  The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the “40 Days of Repentance” but is this supported by scripture or just a tradition.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  If yes, then what kind of fast?  What should be included in our repentance?  We’ll see just what YHWH says in His Word!

Sheep, Goats, (or Cattle) in Scripture

Sheep, Goats, (or Cattle) in Scripture

Which One are We? 12/02/22 – (Originally posted 06/13/2021 (after thousands of views entire YT Channel taken down for “content violations” now re-posted on BitChute).   A followup to our video “2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left” https://www.hiswordheals.com/2-goats-2-brothers-2-brides-1-taken-1-left/ . What are the scriptural & real world differences between Sheep & Goats? Did you know the Passover Lamb could be a Passover Goat? Who did Y’shua Jesus come to save? Are we all goats before we become sheep? A look as scripture you may not have considered before. Line upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, Here a Little, There a Little.  When taken all together we can understand prophecy much more clearly.  We have had some strikes on YouTube so you never know whether we will be there or on a free speech platform if YouTube bans us for telling the truth.  Please share us with your friends on social media. Help us to blow the shofar!

2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left

2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left

12/02/22 – Wheels Within Wheels, Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept (Originally posted 5/31/21 after thousands of views entire YT Channel taken down for “content violations” now re-posted on BitChute) Now available here as audio only.  Starting in Genesis we will look at the 2 Yom Kippur Goat theme all throughout scripture even into Revelation!  One Goat to YHWH & One Goat to Azazel.  One is Taken and One is Left.  We compare Goats to Brides and Brothers – Line upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, Here a Little, There a Little.  When taken all together we can understand prophecy much more clearly.

Is the Esau Bear Growing Restless?

Is the Esau Bear Growing Restless?

10/01/22 – A Yom Kippur Message. Is the Esau Bear getting ready to break off the yoke of Jacob as prophesied by Isaac their father?  Are the 10 horns being set up to burn the whore that sits on many waters?  A look at Russian President Putin’s Sept 30th speech in light of biblical prophecy and Yom Kippur.  Was there a message in there for us to take very seriously?  Why we should all be taking this Yom Kippur very seriously and spreading YHWH’s message of Repentance and the Hope of His Atonement to all those around us.  We need to repent as Daniel did for our sins, the sins of our fathers and even the sins of our nations.

Yom Teruah Announces Yom Kippur

Yom Teruah Announces Yom Kippur

09/24/22 – A Closer Look at Both Days. What are we instructed to do in His Word?  How do these two days relate to one another and to our eternity?  These days are upon us and understanding and honoring these days may be more important now than ever to us, our families, and those around us that we should be proclaiming Y’shua’s Atonement to!

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2

09/02/22 – Joel’s Fast, Daniel’s Prayer & Jeremiah’s Warning. The sixth month we are now in is also known as the month of Elul. The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the “40 Days of Repentance”.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  A look at Joel’s end time call to fasting and repentance, Daniel’s prayer of repentance and Jeremiah’s warning in part 2.

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance

08/26/22 – Is this Tradition Supported by Scripture?  A look at the sixth biblical or Hebrew month in scripture.  The sixth month is also known as the month of Elul. We are now entering this sixth month starting the evening of August 27th.  The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the “40 Days of Repentance” but is this supported by scripture or just a tradition.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  If yes, then what kind of fast?  What should be included in our repentance?  We’ll see just what YHWH says in His Word!

Jubilee, Shofar, Teruah, Zephaniah, Jericho & Revelation

Jubilee, Shofar, Teruah, Zephaniah, Jericho & Revelation

07/02/22 – What do they all have in common?  When studied in context of each other they paint a clearer picture of the end of this age, the time of tribulation and what those that are His, covered by the Blood of Y’shua, have to look forward to.  Zephaniah describes the timing of “the Day of YHWH”, the victory over Jericho in Joshua 6 may also give us clues regarding the timing of the Trumps of Revelation and we can see Yom Kippur Jubilee Shofar blasts in all of them!  Line upon line and precept upon precept… 25 minutes of connecting the dots!

Yom Kippur – Today & in Revelation

Yom Kippur – Today & in Revelation

09/27/2020 – What Should We Do? & Is Yom Kippur in Revelation?  Does YHWH tell us through the prophet Zechariah what type of Yom Kippur offering He is looking for?  Also how is Yom Kippur prophetic of Y’shua’s second coming and more specifically is it found in Revelation?  For all of our videos please visit  https://www.hiswordheals.com/videos