Duality of Water in His Word

Duality of Water in His Word

12/05/24 – Water…is it Living or Unstable?  Or Both? All throughout scripture YHWH’s Word & Y’shua are compared to ‘Living Water’.  All Israel after coming out of Egypt (i.e. bondage in the world) starts out in the desert heading someplace.  They are not just standing still. They are moving along following YHWH’s Word when they were heading in the right direction but going around in circles once they disobeyed and quit trusting YHWH’s Word.  In any case the ultimate destination was YHWH’s Kingdom in the Promised Land.  They were supposed to be MOVING forward toward that destination but would only arrive if they were following YHWH’s instructions or His Living/Moving Word like a flowing stream they were heading somewhere, to a land flowing with milk and honey, a promised place of rest.  All of this regarding YHWH’s Word, Y’shua and Living Water probably makes really good sense scripturally and is metaphorically straightforward right?  Now I will throw you are curve ball…

Emmanuel, The Light of the World…

Emmanuel, The Light of the World…

09/07/24 – “I come in My Father’s Name, and you do not Receive Me”.  Today’s message is our second message entitled “Emmanuel, the Light of the World”… with this portion being subtitled, “I come in My Father’s Name & you do not receive Me”.  Of course we know the end of that verse says “…if another comes in his own name, him you will receive”.  This passage is John 5:43.  Why is there a trend even recognized among Jewish Anti-Missionaries of “Hebrew Roots” believers in Y’shua as Messiah LEAVING faith in Y’shua to embrace Noahidism or completely convert to the religion of Judaism?  What are some of the dangers of believers in Y’shua Messiah being silent regarding their faith in Y’shua in an attempt have a relationship with Orthodox Jews without offending them by talking about the true Jewish Messiah?  Will this silence on our part deceive both Jews and (once)-Christians or (once)-Hebrew Roots believers into embracing the end-times false Messiah who will ‘come in his own name’ to deceive the whole world?  We will explore all of this and more straight from Orthodox Jewish websites.

Emmanuel, The Light of the World &

Emmanuel, The Light of the World &

08/17/24 -The 3rd Temple, House of Prayer for All… Religions.   This is the first of two messages where we will be taking a contrasting look at the difference between the modern Secular Nation State of Israel and the coming Biblical Kingdom of Israel.  Today is an introduction of sorts in that we will be discussing how some “Christians” including some Hebrew Roots/Messianic believers in Y’shua as Messiah are almost worshiping the modern State of Israel and the Jewish people who currently live there as prophetic Messianic figures.  I’m going to play a short clip for you from a November 2023 interview and then we will also be looking at a document from templemount.org which reveals some surprising information about plans to use the Dome of the Rock for the altar portion of the 3rd temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  This 3rd temple utilizing the Dome of the Rock as an altar to connect together 4 individual temples, one for each of the four monotheistic religions creating what the proponents call the prophesied “House of Prayer for All Nations”.  However in reality it will be an ecumenical ‘house of prayer for all religions’ on the Temple Mount. 

Calendar Authority… Who’s in Charge?

Calendar Authority… Who’s in Charge?

07/12/24 – In today’s message we are going to briefly revisit the calendar issue, only this time we will include a look at the so-called ‘covenant calendar’ as well as the competing so-called Zadokite calendar.  Even more than the calendars themselves we are going to look at where authority over the biblical calendar should currently be placed according to scripture and where it should not be placed according to scripture.  For this we are going to look at part of our Torah portion from this past week in Numbers 16, as well as the small tribe of Benjamin whose inheritance in the land of Israel was positioned BETWEEN Ephraim & Judah.

Don’t Grow Weary!

Don’t Grow Weary!

06/29/24 – & Don’t Be a Glutton?  Today we are going to look at two seemingly unrelated topics, being a glutton and growing weary. First we’ll look at gluttony, both physical AND Spiritual.  We are told in Exodus 16 that the children of Israel murmured against Moses because they wanted meat to eat like they had in Egypt.  We’ll explore not only the obvious physical lesson against physically overeating meat from this story in Exodus as well as a possible Spiritual lesson about over indulging in Spiritual Meat?  We tie all of this in with an encouraging message of not growing weary by taking breaks from Spiritual Meat and refreshing our Spirit in the Milk and Manna of Scripture…  This message is a good reminder to be satisfied with the feast that YHWH sets before each of us and not constantly lust for more (I know I have been guilty of and had to repent for overeating at times (both physically and Spiritually), how about you?;) 

2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn…

2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn…

05/11/24 – …& Trading a Wooden Yoke for an Iron Yoke.  Today’s message started to formulate about the 7th day of unleavened bread this past week.  First I’m going to outline the progression of this message, then I will expound on all of these points.  1) The Shavuot wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread could represent the 2 houses of Israel, YHWH’s two sons as a wheat harvest firstfruits offering.  2) YHWH says Israel and Ephraim are His first born sons in Ex 4:22 and Jer 31:9, hence they/we are also a first born firstfruits offering that He has redeemed with the Blood of His Passover Lamb.  3) Backing up from Jer 31:9 for context I started reading in Jer 27 about Hannaniah’s false prophecy of deliverance from the wooden yoke of Babylon.  To which Jeremiah calls him a false prophet leading people who listen to him into a false sense of deliverance and causing them to fight against the judgement of the wooden yoke of Babylon which is actually judgement from Yah for their wickedness.  Through Jeremiah YHWH tells them that the broken wooden yoke of Babylon would be replaced with an iron yoke!  So we came full circle from our thief in the night admonition about the false prophets of the take back America Christian Nationalist movement to what we believe is truly a message for us today which was delivered by Jeremiah thousands of years ago.  All the scriptures for this message came together just a day or two BEFORE the free speech quashing bill HR 6090 passed from the House of Representatives to the Senate and BEFORE WE WERE EVEN AWARE OF THIS PROPOSED BILL!  The conservative take back America, maga, Zionist, Christian Nationalist, secure our border, conservative movement in the US which appears to be trying to remove the yoke of tyranny and corruption, may actually be succeeding in breaking the wooden yoke of Babylon only to have it replaced with a soon to come iron yoke!!! 

Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!

Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!

04/20/24 – Originally posted PASSOVER 2022 but even MORE RELEVANT & PROFOUND today than it was 2 years ago! – Passover, Leaven & Judging Others… Should We? Originally posted PASSOVER 2022 but even MORE RELEVANT & PROFOUND today than it was 2 years ago! – Are we as a chosen & transformed people, who do our best to follow all the instructions of YHWH (His Torah) that we are able to follow, looking right past Leaven or Sin in our own lives which is actually hiding right out in the open for outsiders to see and judge as wicked? Then tackling another big issue which is actually interconnected with hidden leaven, should we be judging one another? the world? or ourselves? What does judging mean anyway? Did you know there are actually at least 2 main Greek words that are both translated into English as judge? Let’s insert the correct meanings in order to understand judging better.



04/13/24 – The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb? How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000? Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be? What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing? You might be surprised!



04/06/24 -The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song.  We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb?  How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000?  Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be?  What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing?  You might be surprised!



10/26/23 – AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH?  DREAMS, VISIONS, MESSAGES & SCRIPTURES. Another look at a message I woke up with on my mind in Feb of 2018 in relation to lots of witnesses that this message may be for this year… 7 days from now!!!  What would you do today if you were living back in the days of Noah?  We really do not like to sensationalize nor do we ever want to cause fear or a false panic.  So I’m really not looking forward to airing this program just in case this is a false alarm.  HOWEVER, there have been too many witnesses coalescing today after I prayed yesterday for at least 2 more witnesses to the revelation we believe we received during a discussion with someone who is still overseas unable to get back to the states yet from Israel after the attack.  We are watchmen and as such if we see danger coming we are commanded to sound the shofar, so that is what this message is all about.  We are sounding the shofar just in case this is the real deal.

YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden

YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden

10/21/23 – THOSE HIDDEN BY YAH, YHWH REMEMBERS!  Could this current Gaza/Israel conflict be pointing us to this hidden message from YHWH?  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!  There are passages, which I will read in this message that speak of conflict from Gaza and judgement on Gaza in just four of the prophets.  Jeremiah 47, Amos 1, Zephaniah 2 and Zechariah 9.  Why only these prophets?  These prophets’ prophecies regarding Gaza are even found in our scriptures in that order.  As we know Hebrew Names, especially biblical ones all have a meaning sooooo if we parse out the meaning of Jeremiah Amos Zephaniah Zechariah in that order what is the message that we get?  YHWH will Rise Up, Lift the Burden, Hidden by Yah, YHWH Remembers.  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!

Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Atonement & Revelation

Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Atonement & Revelation

10/06/23 – Look at ALL THE CONNECTIONS! (NOW INCLUDES 10/11/23 HNR Version Pt2 with ALEF TAV ECLIPSE & WAR COMMENTARY as well) Can we know what the Song of the Lamb is?  Have the Jews been reading (i.e. singing) this song along with the Song of Moses for millennia without even recognizing Y’shua as the Lamb?  Is the Song of the Lamb the same as the ‘new song’ that will be sung by the 144,000?  Can we see the book of Revelation & Yom Kippur in the Song of Moses?  How about in the Song of the Lamb?  Can we find the ‘new song’ or at least variations of it in the Psalms?  In this message we will discuss all of this and more!

Case Law & the New Covenant

Case Law & the New Covenant

09/15/23 – A Closer Look at the “Laws” in Deuteronomy.  Did Y’shua contradict or “add to” the laws or commandments in the book of Deuteronomy when He said “Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of your hearts BUT I SAY…” and other such things?  Is everything in the book of Deuteronomy actually a ‘command by YHWH’?  Or is there possibly something else going on in chapters 20-25?  Are there really 613 commandments OR are MANY OF THEM possibly ‘Case Law’… BASED UPON YHWH’s actual Commandments/Laws?  Case Law decided in the authority of YHWH by Moses in his Yah given role as “Chief Justice” of the Supreme Court in the wilderness?  And then Y’shua is Chief Justice of a higher court… THE HIGHEST court?  Y’shua’s rulings would then be a “higher court ruling” while HE DID STILL UPHOLD Moses’ case law in the wilderness but brought clarification to its application.  Moses Himself in Deuteronomy told us YHWH would raise up a prophet LIKE unto Moses himself and that we should listen to all He says because He would only speak the Words of YHWH in the Name of YHWH?  THEN ALSO we see in the New Testament writings that as the Body of Messiah we are also given authority under Y’shua to judge according to the Commandments of YHWH.  Like all judges we are to take all prior Case Law into account when judging putting the most weight on what the highest judging authority (Y’shua) has said, especially when judging ourselves.  Please listen all the way to the end of this message where we tie this all into the New or Renewed Covenant which is which is also founded upon the 10 Commandments or Words of the covenant at Horeb or Mt. Sinai AND IS FIRST OUTLINED IN DEUTERONOMY! 

3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees

3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees

02/06/23 – 1 Resurrected Bride & 1 Kingdom of Israel.  Thoughts on scripture, salvation, and who we are in Y’shua Messiah.  Why would anyone want to convert to be part of the dead bride.  Torah can not save without what Y’shua did on the cross or tree!  Torah only instructs and then condemns.  It is VERY VALUABLE as a teacher of how to live in our Abba’s Kingdom or House but even if you think you can keep Torah perfectly, it will not save you without Y’shua’s death on the cross and resurrection, period.  Those that deny Y’shua is YHWH come in the Flesh are deceived by the spirit of Anti-Messiah.  His invitation to eternal life is open to ‘whosoever’.

The Embalmed Corpse of Israel

The Embalmed Corpse of Israel

01/07/23 – Joseph Nations Delivered Israel’s Body Back to the Land… A surprising look at the last two Torah Portions, Vayigash & Vayechi.  Are the Ezekiel prophesied dry bones of Israel with sinew and flesh on them actually the embalmed body of Israel which the Joseph nations delivered back to the land of Israel in 1949?  Did the ancient nation of Israel die with Y’shua and become embalmed 2000 years ago?  Israel the man… 7 Years of Plenty followed by 7 Years of Famine followed by the death and 40 day embalming of Joseph’s father Israel, followed by 70 days of mourning in all Egypt and then 7 more days of mourning by Joseph after he delivers Israels embalmed body back to Canaan.  Has the nation of Israel been following after the pattern of Israel the man for the last 2000 years since the ancient nation of Israel died with Y’shua and went through a 40 year embalming process?  Are we possibly entering the last 7 years of Joseph’s mourning for his father after delivering him back to the land?  We will follow the scriptural patterns in today’s program and see where they lead us.

Hanukkah, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego

Hanukkah, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego

12/23/22 – The Enemy’s Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a Hebrew word meaning dedication.  Today we will first discuss “coming out” or UN-Assimilating and what we’ve all gone through to get where we are today and how we need to help each other stay strong and not RE-Assimilate.  We also look at “Merry Christmas” and some response ideas that may better glorify our Savior and King than “Happy Hanukkah”.  Most people in the grocery checkout line are clueless as to what Hanukkah is other than a Jewish holiday and the Jewish religion rejects the only begotten Son, YHWH’s Word having come in the Flesh.  Do we really want to appear to reject the birth of our Savior when there isn’t even time to explain to this person what Hanukkah is all about or that December 25 isn’t Jesus birthday and that Jesus isn’t our Savior’s Name anyway?  Can we really explain all that in 5 minutes or will we simply leave them believing we too (along with most of the world) have rejected our Savior?  Then after a beautiful song by Marty Goetz will read a few scriptures on Hanukkah or dedication including a fresh look at Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego.



11/19/22 – In this week’s message we are going to talk about “running” to do the will of our Creator, our Abba.  The last few weeks we’ve been talking about LISTENING to the still small voice of His Ruach or Spirit.  This week we are going to explore RUNNING.  Do we drop everything and RUN like Abraham did to meet with YHWH or to do His will once we hear from Him, as soon as we hear from Him?  We will look at several examples in scripture of ‘running’ toward YHWH or running to do His will as opposed to procrastinating when we hear His voice.  How might an attitude of running or procrastinating effect our physical and eternal salvations.  Is it possible that the difference between the Revelation Church of Philadelphia as opposed to the church of Smyrna may have something to do with how quickly they respond to the leading of His Ruach, how quickly we respond to the calling of Y’shua upon our lives?  Hopefully this message will inspire us all to LISTEN even more intently and then to RUN when He calls us.

Jacob a Fire, Joseph a Flame & Esau is Stubble

Jacob a Fire, Joseph a Flame & Esau is Stubble

10/08/22 – Obadiah’s Prophecy.  A followup to last week’s discussion regarding the Bear of Esau Growing Restless (also on our blog page).  This week our discussion centers around Obadiah 1:18 including how the rest of the book of Obadiah also may refer to modern day Russia in the very near future as well as what Obadiah’s prophecy of judgement by fire may mean for the rest of the nations as well.

Take a Stand!

Take a Stand!

06/04/22 – Draw Your Line in the Sand!  As the Aaron Tippin song goes… “You’ve got to Stand for Something, or You’ll Fall for Anything”. And boy is our world falling for anything right now, or WHAT?! It is because we have forgotten what we stand for. As parents do our children understand what we stand for and even more importantly why we stand for it? Especially as “called out remnant” parents are we consistent and do we stand by what we believe to be true no matter what and why do we believe what we believe? Does what we believe change with every new “fragment” found in a cave or every new extra-biblical “lost” book that is unearthed?? However, most importantly of all before we can consistently stand by what believe ‘no matter what’, do we know why we believe what we believe, and do we teach our children consistently why we believe what we believe no matter what? Or are we sending mixed and compromising messages?