3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees

3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees

02/06/23 – 1 Resurrected Bride & 1 Kingdom of Israel.  Thoughts on scripture, salvation, and who we are in Y’shua Messiah.  Why would anyone want to convert to be part of the dead bride.  Torah can not save without what Y’shua did on the cross or tree!  Torah only instructs and then condemns.  It is VERY VALUABLE as a teacher of how to live in our Abba’s Kingdom or House but even if you think you can keep Torah perfectly, it will not save you without Y’shua’s death on the cross and resurrection, period.  Those that deny Y’shua is YHWH come in the Flesh are deceived by the spirit of Anti-Messiah.  His invitation to eternal life is open to ‘whosoever’.

      3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Stickes or 2 Trees, 1 Resurrected Bride - His Word Heals!

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