Babylon Eclipses, Planetary Alignment & Revelation

Babylon Eclipses, Planetary Alignment & Revelation

12/21/24 – UPCOMING FEBRUARY 2025 SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS!  Originally posted Mar 25, 2024 but we are getting very close and world events seem to be ramping up the closer we get to Feb 2025.  03/13/24 – Are ancient eclipses during the fall of ancient Babylon connected with present day eclipses over the United States? The answer and where these ancient eclipses occur WILL surprise you! Is the upcoming planetary alignment of ALL seven planets connected to John’s vision of the revealing of Y’shua Messiah in Revelation chapter 1? Watch this video all the way to the end to be amazed at the possibilities and then pray about what you and your family can do to get ready physically and spiritually… just in case.

Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt2

Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt2

06/09/24 – Ezekiel’s Fiery Whirlwind out of the North. (Ezekiel 1:4) Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights?   Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora’s which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject.

Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt1

Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt1

06/01/24 – Ezekiel’s Fiery Whirlwind out of the North. (Ezekiel 1:4) Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights?   Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora’s which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject.

Babylon Eclipses, Planetary Alignment & Revelation

Babylon Eclipses, Planetary Alignment & Revelation

03/13/24 – Are ancient eclipses during the fall of ancient Babylon connected with present day eclipses over the United States? The answer and where these ancient eclipses occur WILL surprise you! Is the upcoming planetary alignment of ALL seven planets connected to John’s vision of the revealing of Y’shua Messiah in Revelation chapter 1? Watch this video all the way to the end to be amazed at the possibilities and then pray about what you and your family can do to get ready physically and spiritually… just in case.



11/12/23 – Originally posted 04/27/2022 but perhaps more relevant now than ever! – Can it happen anytime now? Or do a few other things need to take place first? Will there be one or two Gog Invasions? Who is Gog OF Magog? A closer look at Ezekiel 38 and 39. Who, when, where from, why & then what? These are the questions we will attempt to answer with more scriptural clarity than the traditional teachings. You might be surprised at what we find. This is part 1 of what will likely be only a 2 part series but possibly 3. Part 2 will be available a week or two after Part 1.



10/26/23 – AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH?  DREAMS, VISIONS, MESSAGES & SCRIPTURES. Another look at a message I woke up with on my mind in Feb of 2018 in relation to lots of witnesses that this message may be for this year… 7 days from now!!!  What would you do today if you were living back in the days of Noah?  We really do not like to sensationalize nor do we ever want to cause fear or a false panic.  So I’m really not looking forward to airing this program just in case this is a false alarm.  HOWEVER, there have been too many witnesses coalescing today after I prayed yesterday for at least 2 more witnesses to the revelation we believe we received during a discussion with someone who is still overseas unable to get back to the states yet from Israel after the attack.  We are watchmen and as such if we see danger coming we are commanded to sound the shofar, so that is what this message is all about.  We are sounding the shofar just in case this is the real deal.

YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden

YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden

10/21/23 – THOSE HIDDEN BY YAH, YHWH REMEMBERS!  Could this current Gaza/Israel conflict be pointing us to this hidden message from YHWH?  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!  There are passages, which I will read in this message that speak of conflict from Gaza and judgement on Gaza in just four of the prophets.  Jeremiah 47, Amos 1, Zephaniah 2 and Zechariah 9.  Why only these prophets?  These prophets’ prophecies regarding Gaza are even found in our scriptures in that order.  As we know Hebrew Names, especially biblical ones all have a meaning sooooo if we parse out the meaning of Jeremiah Amos Zephaniah Zechariah in that order what is the message that we get?  YHWH will Rise Up, Lift the Burden, Hidden by Yah, YHWH Remembers.  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!

Alef & Tav Solar Eclipses, Daniel’s 2300 Days

Alef & Tav Solar Eclipses, Daniel’s 2300 Days

Alef & Tav, the Beginning & End, the First & Last – Total Solar Eclipses in relation to Messiah 2030 & Daniel’s 2300 Days. Reposted 10/11/2023 originally posted 06/05/23 – A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!


Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2 2023

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2 2023

08/20/23 a reminder from 09/02/22 – Joel’s Fast, Daniel’s Prayer & Jeremiah’s Warning. The sixth month we are now in is also known as the month of Elul. The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the “40 Days of Repentance”.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  A look at Joel’s end time call to fasting and repentance, Daniel’s prayer of repentance and Jeremiah’s warning in part 2.

Hear what the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches

Hear what the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches

06/30/23 – AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH… Is there a correlation between the 8 people on Noah’s Ark and the 7 Churches of Revelation?  What can we glean from the Revelation messages to the 7 Churches when viewed in light of Noah’s flood and the 8 people on the Ark?  You might be surprised at what the parallels and implications may be.  Prayerfully consider this message and these warnings from the book of Revelation to the 7 assemblies, both then and now!

Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

06/05/23 – A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!

Earthquake, Thunders, Lightings, & Voices

Earthquake, Thunders, Lightings, & Voices

02/15/23 – Opening the 7th Seal of Revelation.  Four signs found elsewhere in scripture and interpreted according to the Old Testament Prophets.  Are we seeing signs that may indicate that the 7th Seal of the Scroll of Revelation has been opened and the First Trump of Revelation may be ready to sound this fall 2023?  Does Isaiah 29 speak of the Scroll of Revelation not being sealed up and unable to be read by Jews or anyone without Y’shua Messiah? Does it also tell us the Scroll of Revelation is also not able to be read by Christians even if they have Y’shua as Messiah unless they get ‘literate’ in Torah?  Does Revelation 8:5 as understood according to the OT prophets allude to drug sorceries and vaccines at or near the opening of the 7th Seal?  We look at all of this and more in this message!

Hanukkah, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego

Hanukkah, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego

12/23/22 – The Enemy’s Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a Hebrew word meaning dedication.  Today we will first discuss “coming out” or UN-Assimilating and what we’ve all gone through to get where we are today and how we need to help each other stay strong and not RE-Assimilate.  We also look at “Merry Christmas” and some response ideas that may better glorify our Savior and King than “Happy Hanukkah”.  Most people in the grocery checkout line are clueless as to what Hanukkah is other than a Jewish holiday and the Jewish religion rejects the only begotten Son, YHWH’s Word having come in the Flesh.  Do we really want to appear to reject the birth of our Savior when there isn’t even time to explain to this person what Hanukkah is all about or that December 25 isn’t Jesus birthday and that Jesus isn’t our Savior’s Name anyway?  Can we really explain all that in 5 minutes or will we simply leave them believing we too (along with most of the world) have rejected our Savior?  Then after a beautiful song by Marty Goetz will read a few scriptures on Hanukkah or dedication including a fresh look at Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego.

Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua

Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua

12/14/22 – Crossing Over the Jordan… Then and Now!  Breaking News in Relation to Scripture & Possible End of This Age Scenarios!  King Abdullah of Jordan just announced a 300 million dollar improvement project for the site of Y’shua’s Baptism on the East side of the Jordan River!  In addition to this site being where Y’shua was Baptized it is also very likely the exact site where Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land as well as the exact site where Elisha followed Elijah out of the Land before he was taken up into the clouds after which Elisha crossed back into the Land at this same location!  What significance may this news and this site have for us today and in the very near future?  We take a look at prophetic pictures in scripture that may answer this question and more in today’s program.

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2

09/02/22 – Joel’s Fast, Daniel’s Prayer & Jeremiah’s Warning. The sixth month we are now in is also known as the month of Elul. The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the “40 Days of Repentance”.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  A look at Joel’s end time call to fasting and repentance, Daniel’s prayer of repentance and Jeremiah’s warning in part 2.

Jubilee, Shofar, Teruah, Zephaniah, Jericho & Revelation

Jubilee, Shofar, Teruah, Zephaniah, Jericho & Revelation

07/02/22 – What do they all have in common?  When studied in context of each other they paint a clearer picture of the end of this age, the time of tribulation and what those that are His, covered by the Blood of Y’shua, have to look forward to.  Zephaniah describes the timing of “the Day of YHWH”, the victory over Jericho in Joshua 6 may also give us clues regarding the timing of the Trumps of Revelation and we can see Yom Kippur Jubilee Shofar blasts in all of them!  Line upon line and precept upon precept… 25 minutes of connecting the dots!

Noahide 1, Gentiles & Jews

Noahide 1, Gentiles & Jews

Why would Noahide Laws even be discussed in the US Congress let alone be passes as an education initiative? Reposted 5/28/22 – (Originally posted in 2019 but was deleted along with the entire Lamb Network YouTube channel for “content violations”. Hasn’t happened yet but is this message even more eminent now than it was when first posted?)  Could the NOAHIDE LAWS, EZEKIEL 11 & 21, DEAL OF THE CENTURY & JORDAN’S KING ABDULLAH all be linked together in Ezekiel relating the Ezekiel prophecies to the time we are living in and things that could take place in the coming year or even months? Time will tell. This programs starts out by taking an honest look at the Noahide Laws doctrine as explained and discussed from Jewish & Noahide websites themselves, not from their opponent’s point of view. Just what do advocates of the Noahide Laws say about them, how they should be enforced, and who they apply to? Is it okay for anyone other than the Jews to keep the Sabbath? Do Christians who follow the Noahide Laws still proclaim Jesus or Y’shua as Messiah, Healer, King and only method to salvation or a place in the world to come? The answers I found may surprise you. Then toward the end (at about 41 minutes) we look at Ezekiel 11 which could be alluding to the Noahide Doctrine which I believe seeks to separate believers in Y’shua from YHWH and His promises. Then Ezekiel 21 could be alluding to a soon coming conflict involving Israel, the US and… Jordan (not just Iran, though Iran could be in there as well no doubt).