06/09/24 – Ezekiel’s Fiery Whirlwind out of the North. (Ezekiel 1:4) Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights? Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora’s which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject.
Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt1
06/01/24 – Ezekiel’s Fiery Whirlwind out of the North. (Ezekiel 1:4) Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights? Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora’s which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject.
04/13/24 – The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb? How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000? Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be? What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing? You might be surprised!
04/06/24 -The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb? How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000? Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be? What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing? You might be surprised!
YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden
10/21/23 – THOSE HIDDEN BY YAH, YHWH REMEMBERS! Could this current Gaza/Israel conflict be pointing us to this hidden message from YHWH? YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers! There are passages, which I will read in this message that speak of conflict from Gaza and judgement on Gaza in just four of the prophets. Jeremiah 47, Amos 1, Zephaniah 2 and Zechariah 9. Why only these prophets? These prophets’ prophecies regarding Gaza are even found in our scriptures in that order. As we know Hebrew Names, especially biblical ones all have a meaning sooooo if we parse out the meaning of Jeremiah Amos Zephaniah Zechariah in that order what is the message that we get? YHWH will Rise Up, Lift the Burden, Hidden by Yah, YHWH Remembers. YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!
Case Law & the New Covenant
09/15/23 – A Closer Look at the “Laws” in Deuteronomy. Did Y’shua contradict or “add to” the laws or commandments in the book of Deuteronomy when He said “Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of your hearts BUT I SAY…” and other such things? Is everything in the book of Deuteronomy actually a ‘command by YHWH’? Or is there possibly something else going on in chapters 20-25? Are there really 613 commandments OR are MANY OF THEM possibly ‘Case Law’… BASED UPON YHWH’s actual Commandments/Laws? Case Law decided in the authority of YHWH by Moses in his Yah given role as “Chief Justice” of the Supreme Court in the wilderness? And then Y’shua is Chief Justice of a higher court… THE HIGHEST court? Y’shua’s rulings would then be a “higher court ruling” while HE DID STILL UPHOLD Moses’ case law in the wilderness but brought clarification to its application. Moses Himself in Deuteronomy told us YHWH would raise up a prophet LIKE unto Moses himself and that we should listen to all He says because He would only speak the Words of YHWH in the Name of YHWH? THEN ALSO we see in the New Testament writings that as the Body of Messiah we are also given authority under Y’shua to judge according to the Commandments of YHWH. Like all judges we are to take all prior Case Law into account when judging putting the most weight on what the highest judging authority (Y’shua) has said, especially when judging ourselves. Please listen all the way to the end of this message where we tie this all into the New or Renewed Covenant which is which is also founded upon the 10 Commandments or Words of the covenant at Horeb or Mt. Sinai AND IS FIRST OUTLINED IN DEUTERONOMY!
3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees
02/06/23 – 1 Resurrected Bride & 1 Kingdom of Israel. Thoughts on scripture, salvation, and who we are in Y’shua Messiah. Why would anyone want to convert to be part of the dead bride. Torah can not save without what Y’shua did on the cross or tree! Torah only instructs and then condemns. It is VERY VALUABLE as a teacher of how to live in our Abba’s Kingdom or House but even if you think you can keep Torah perfectly, it will not save you without Y’shua’s death on the cross and resurrection, period. Those that deny Y’shua is YHWH come in the Flesh are deceived by the spirit of Anti-Messiah. His invitation to eternal life is open to ‘whosoever’.
The Embalmed Corpse of Israel
01/07/23 – Joseph Nations Delivered Israel’s Body Back to the Land… A surprising look at the last two Torah Portions, Vayigash & Vayechi. Are the Ezekiel prophesied dry bones of Israel with sinew and flesh on them actually the embalmed body of Israel which the Joseph nations delivered back to the land of Israel in 1949? Did the ancient nation of Israel die with Y’shua and become embalmed 2000 years ago? Israel the man… 7 Years of Plenty followed by 7 Years of Famine followed by the death and 40 day embalming of Joseph’s father Israel, followed by 70 days of mourning in all Egypt and then 7 more days of mourning by Joseph after he delivers Israels embalmed body back to Canaan. Has the nation of Israel been following after the pattern of Israel the man for the last 2000 years since the ancient nation of Israel died with Y’shua and went through a 40 year embalming process? Are we possibly entering the last 7 years of Joseph’s mourning for his father after delivering him back to the land? We will follow the scriptural patterns in today’s program and see where they lead us.
Wandering & Regathered – Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joshua
12/31/22 – Reposted from 02/28/22 – Promises & Prophetic Pictures. Reviewing the promised regathering as told to Jeremiah? Who is going to be regathered according to the Word of YHWH to Ezekiel?
Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yeshua
12/14/22 – Crossing Over the Jordan… Then and Now! Breaking News in Relation to Scripture & Possible End of This Age Scenarios! King Abdullah of Jordan just announced a 300 million dollar improvement project for the site of Y’shua’s Baptism on the East side of the Jordan River! In addition to this site being where Y’shua was Baptized it is also very likely the exact site where Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land as well as the exact site where Elisha followed Elijah out of the Land before he was taken up into the clouds after which Elisha crossed back into the Land at this same location! What significance may this news and this site have for us today and in the very near future? We take a look at prophetic pictures in scripture that may answer this question and more in today’s program.
Sheep, Goats, (or Cattle) in Scripture
Which One are We? 12/02/22 – (Originally posted 06/13/2021 (after thousands of views entire YT Channel taken down for “content violations” now re-posted on BitChute). A followup to our video “2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left” https://www.hiswordheals.com/2-goats-2-brothers-2-brides-1-taken-1-left/ . What are the scriptural & real world differences between Sheep & Goats? Did you know the Passover Lamb could be a Passover Goat? Who did Y’shua Jesus come to save? Are we all goats before we become sheep? A look as scripture you may not have considered before. Line upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, Here a Little, There a Little. When taken all together we can understand prophecy much more clearly. We have had some strikes on YouTube so you never know whether we will be there or on a free speech platform if YouTube bans us for telling the truth. Please share us with your friends on social media. Help us to blow the shofar!
2 Goats, 2 Brothers, 2 Brides – 1 Taken & 1 Left
12/02/22 – Wheels Within Wheels, Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept (Originally posted 5/31/21 after thousands of views entire YT Channel taken down for “content violations” now re-posted on BitChute) Now available here as audio only. Starting in Genesis we will look at the 2 Yom Kippur Goat theme all throughout scripture even into Revelation! One Goat to YHWH & One Goat to Azazel. One is Taken and One is Left. We compare Goats to Brides and Brothers – Line upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, Here a Little, There a Little. When taken all together we can understand prophecy much more clearly.
11/19/22 – In this week’s message we are going to talk about “running” to do the will of our Creator, our Abba. The last few weeks we’ve been talking about LISTENING to the still small voice of His Ruach or Spirit. This week we are going to explore RUNNING. Do we drop everything and RUN like Abraham did to meet with YHWH or to do His will once we hear from Him, as soon as we hear from Him? We will look at several examples in scripture of ‘running’ toward YHWH or running to do His will as opposed to procrastinating when we hear His voice. How might an attitude of running or procrastinating effect our physical and eternal salvations. Is it possible that the difference between the Revelation Church of Philadelphia as opposed to the church of Smyrna may have something to do with how quickly they respond to the leading of His Ruach, how quickly we respond to the calling of Y’shua upon our lives? Hopefully this message will inspire us all to LISTEN even more intently and then to RUN when He calls us.
Jacob a Fire, Joseph a Flame & Esau is Stubble
10/08/22 – Obadiah’s Prophecy. A followup to last week’s discussion regarding the Bear of Esau Growing Restless (also on our blog page). This week our discussion centers around Obadiah 1:18 including how the rest of the book of Obadiah also may refer to modern day Russia in the very near future as well as what Obadiah’s prophecy of judgement by fire may mean for the rest of the nations as well.
Is the Esau Bear Growing Restless?
10/01/22 – A Yom Kippur Message. Is the Esau Bear getting ready to break off the yoke of Jacob as prophesied by Isaac their father? Are the 10 horns being set up to burn the whore that sits on many waters? A look at Russian President Putin’s Sept 30th speech in light of biblical prophecy and Yom Kippur. Was there a message in there for us to take very seriously? Why we should all be taking this Yom Kippur very seriously and spreading YHWH’s message of Repentance and the Hope of His Atonement to all those around us. We need to repent as Daniel did for our sins, the sins of our fathers and even the sins of our nations.
Women in the Garden
7/11/22 originally from 2019 – Two Kingdoms to Choose From – Video Re-uploaded to Bitchute after entire Lamb Network YouTube channel and thousands of views were taken down by YouTube censorship of free speech for “violations”. In this video we are taking a closer look at scripture to see what it really says about women in YHWH’s (The LORD’s) Kingdom & Y’shua’s (Jesus’) Ministry. This a beautiful look at how our Messiah and Redeemer made sure not to diminish or trivialize a woman’s contribution to His Kingdom. In this video we seek to biblically answer the following questions: Is it biblical for women to be silent in the Church or the Assembly as Paul suggests in 1 Corinthians 14 except perhaps in teaching Sunday school to children or singing in the choir as many believe? Or at the other end of the spectrum should a woman be head of an entire church or assembly as head pastor or priestess? Or does the biblical guideline for women fall somewhere in the middle?
Hezekiah’s 2nd Passover & Warnings of 7
ORIGINALLY CREATED & POSTED April 6, 2020 -UPDATE!!! ADDED NOTES 05/07/2022 – NOTE!! THERE IS A BLOOD MOON ON THIS 14-15TH OF IYAR (HILLEL CALENDAR) OR THE EVENING OF THE SECOND PASSOVER!!! WHICH IS THE NIGHT OF MAY 15TH, 2022 OVER ALL OF N & S AMERICA AND MOST OF WESTERN EUROPE AND AFRICA!! THE TOTAL ECLIPSE STARTS AT APPROX 9:30PM MOUNTAIN DAYLIGHT TIME IN THE US. Perhaps even more relevant and plausible now than it was just TWO YEARS AGO (this original version was produced 2 years ago and the shortened version was 1 year ago. This message gets more relevant every year!)