Like a Thief in the Night

Like a Thief in the Night

04/29/24 – But you are not asleep… so then who is?  What nation or entity is sleeping?  Are those that are asleep listening to false prophets that are declaring peace and safety?  Is sudden destruction going to come upon the scoffers who are ignoring or dismissing the many ‘signs in the heavens’?  Are many of us currently abiding in that nation or entity that is about to be broken into?  Lots of scriptural evidence for our thoughts on who or what entity represents those that are asleep and why we should be watching for the THIEF IN THE NIGHT at all times but possibly sooner than later. 

Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!

Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!

04/20/24 – Originally posted PASSOVER 2022 but even MORE RELEVANT & PROFOUND today than it was 2 years ago! – Passover, Leaven & Judging Others… Should We? Originally posted PASSOVER 2022 but even MORE RELEVANT & PROFOUND today than it was 2 years ago! – Are we as a chosen & transformed people, who do our best to follow all the instructions of YHWH (His Torah) that we are able to follow, looking right past Leaven or Sin in our own lives which is actually hiding right out in the open for outsiders to see and judge as wicked? Then tackling another big issue which is actually interconnected with hidden leaven, should we be judging one another? the world? or ourselves? What does judging mean anyway? Did you know there are actually at least 2 main Greek words that are both translated into English as judge? Let’s insert the correct meanings in order to understand judging better.

2nd Passover, 2nd Exodus & Revelation Seals

2nd Passover, 2nd Exodus & Revelation Seals

1ST HALF 2ND HALF Have We Already Received a 7 Year Warning? Most people have since dismissed the 2014-15 blood moon tetrad as all hype and no substance, but is that the case?  Or were they perhaps marking the beginning of a 7 year warning?  YHWH told Noah exactly when the rain would start… seven days before it started and YHWH sealed Noah and his […]