Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt1 2023

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt1 2023

08/17/2023 reminder from 08/26/22 – Is this Tradition Supported by Scripture?  A look at the sixth biblical or Hebrew month in scripture.  The sixth month is also known as the month of Elul. We are now entering this sixth month starting the evening of August 16th.  The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the “40 Days of Repentance” but is this supported by scripture or just a tradition.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  If yes, then what kind of fast?  What should be included in our repentance?  We’ll see just what YHWH says in His Word!

      Elul 40 Days of Repentence - His Word Heals!

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