12/23/22 – The Enemy’s Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a Hebrew word meaning dedication. Today we will first discuss “coming out” or UN-Assimilating and what we’ve all gone through to get where we are today and how we need to help each other stay strong and not RE-Assimilate. We also look at “Merry Christmas” and some response ideas that may better glorify our Savior and King than “Happy Hanukkah”. Most people in the grocery checkout line are clueless as to what Hanukkah is other than a Jewish holiday and the Jewish religion rejects the only begotten Son, YHWH’s Word having come in the Flesh. Do we really want to appear to reject the birth of our Savior when there isn’t even time to explain to this person what Hanukkah is all about or that December 25 isn’t Jesus birthday and that Jesus isn’t our Savior’s Name anyway? Can we really explain all that in 5 minutes or will we simply leave them believing we too (along with most of the world) have rejected our Savior? Then after a beautiful song by Marty Goetz will read a few scriptures on Hanukkah or dedication including a fresh look at Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego.