Passover Review & Relation to Prophecy

Passover Review & Relation to Prophecy

03/28/23 – Updated Revelation Time Chart too!  Let’s get ready for Passover and review just some of these scriptures about this blessed feast! I’m excited for this Passover, how about you. Between the first Passover next week and the 2nd Passover a month later we should keep our eyes open for some interesting events to take place. Have your sandals on, your belts cinched and your staffs in your hands you never know what could happen in any given Passover season but this one certainly seems ripe for some kind of scriptural events to take place! Whether you’ve not celebrated Passover in a biblical sense before or your an old hand we pray this message helps prepare your heart.  FREE Modified (for Believers in Y’shua Messiah) Haggadah (guide or outline of events & scripture reading) for Passover Seder (Dinner).

      Passover in Review & in Relation to Prophecy - His Word Heals!

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