Contract Tracing, Should We Participate?

Contract Tracing, Should We Participate?

      Contact Tracing - Should We Participate

Just the Facts from Government Agencies & Officials

May 17, 2020 – Contact tracing apps from Google, Apple, Singapore & even Israel, removal of people who test positive from homes that don’t have enough bathrooms for the positive person/people to have their own bathroom, interrogations of everyone you were near within 14 days prior to some test saying your were positive whether you have symptoms or not by an army of civilian contact tracers potentially being paid for through the FedGov’s HR 6666 and more. All of this comes from official government websites and officials from the WHO, Ventura County California, the California & New York Governors, Bill Clinton and more. Should we participate in giving out personal private information about our friends & family to government agencies or should we contact them privately and let them decide if they want to be tested, probed, poked, prodded, quarantined, vaccinated and possibly removed from their homes by government officials?

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