HaGimel V’Ayin HaMachat
What is easier than a rich man getting into heaven? Getting a camel through the eye of a needle, a thick rope through the eye of a needle, OR a ‘Gimel’ through a hole in a ‘Machat’? What is a gimel and what is a machat? Here’s another possibility I bet you’ve never heard which actually ties this verse Matthew 19:24 with the Rock cut without hands that strikes the image in Daniel 2:34-35. Very interesting when you dig a little deeper and consider the Hebrew Matthew which is where we got the Hebrew words behind the Greek words translated as ‘it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven’. To us anyway this theory adds depth of meaning and another facet to who Y’shua is and what He came to do! We hope you enjoy this short program and it gets you digging a little deeper into HIS WORD! Blessings & Shalom!Video also available on Videos Page “HaGimel V’Ayin HaMachat” from by His Word Heals!